10 Jul Women in Business: Lean In? Lean Out? Stand Up Straight! A Male Perspective – Part V
Hiring as a Female Boss
Reality: for millions of years until about 40 years ago, men ruled stuff. They worked outside the home and women generally took care of the home and children. Women only earned the right to vote in the US in 1920. The genders each had roles (growing up my sisters cleared the table, and I cleared snow from our driveway). Some men in the business world still believe in the old ways and honestly admit they would rather women not be in the workplace. We need to rid the working world of this generation but it has not happened fully yet.
This manifests in multifold ways for female entrepreneurs and bosses today. Starting your own business helps get away from difficult (male and female) bosses. But you could end up hiring men who should be, but are not gender-neutral in their views, and either resent working for or will not provide enough respect for a female boss. On the other hand, some women also do not like working for other women. And although some women like female mentors, the mentors sometimes worry that the mentees will overtake their success (this is true of men as well of course).
I do not know how women think, but I know how many men think, and what women say. As to working for a female: some are fine with it and some are not. Of course it should not matter, but it still does for some people. And of course some will say they prefer female to male bosses. I think the key is not to ignore the issue in the hiring process. Try to elicit the likelihood that this potential employee may have an issue working for a woman. If they did before, what was that experience like? This can be asked honestly and not defensively. Body language also can be telling in an interview. Is a male candidate a little flirty, or borderline condescending (both problems)? Do you get a firm handshake (good sign)? Is eye contact an issue?
Bottom line: address the issue up front. You are more likely to make the right hire.
Gene Massey
Posted at 16:26h, 10 JulyDavid,
I’m sure you know Dara Albright. Perhaps your readers would like to see a short talk on “The Women Who Shaped Wall Street” and the struggles that women suffered from the 1790’s until today:
Gene Massey