25 May Women in Business: Lean In? Lean Out? Stand Up Straight! A Male Perspective – Part IV
Vive La Difference
A classic book, Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, acknowledges that we are indeed different from each other. In caveperson days, the men were hunters, the women gatherers. This has led to the perception that men tend to do well focusing intensely on one thing, whereas women multi-task and think in a broader way. But does that all stay true now that humans do not exist solely to find food and seek shelter? Can women focus? Can men multitask? Are men too ruthless? Women too emotional? How do we take advantage of these differences if they remain real?
The classic line in the classic film A League of Their Own with Tom Hanks coaching a team of women baseball players during World War II, “There’s no crying in baseball.” On TV’s Parks & Recreation, macho Ron Swanson says, “Crying: acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon.” Some in business believe the same should be true there, but in my years I’ve seen lots of crying in the office, and frankly virtually all by women. Advice men usually give: hold it together and cry in the bathroom but not in front of people. In general it is better to try not to show vulnerability in the workplace.
Ladies, how can you benefit from your Venus-ness in the many still male-dominated industries? Bring that big picture perspective into play openly and with determination. Show how you can handle multiple projects successfully at once and better than your male colleagues. Work hard but demonstrate that balance does not need to sacrifice productivity or accessibility. Be a team player, encourage and support your co-workers of both sexes (this can help offset some men’s intimidation around strong and ambitious women). Be friendly, take the time to get to know your colleagues, they will appreciate it. This is one way you can stand up straight!
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