29 Apr Women in Business: Lean In? Lean Out? Stand Up Straight! A Male Perspective – Part II
Men: Man Up!
In March I started this series on women in business from what is apparently a rare male perspective. In this post we talk about how men and women alike can be aggressive, goal driven and successful in business without undue sacrifice of personal life. Part of how that happens: men need to man up more in their relationships with women to help them “stand up straight” in business. And of course feel free to substitute a female partner in a lesbian relationship as well, but to be honest I believe men have more to learn in this department.
How do we men do this if we are in personal relationships with career-focused women? Seems kind of obvious no? Pitch in dudes! Take an approach to work that ensures you can be available to help with work around home, child care and giving your significant other time on her own, as you also hope for yours. If that is not completely possible, make sure you bring in enough help at home to let her focus on the work she needs to do and the breaks she also needs to find.
And another big part: focus on your relationship with that awesome business oriented partner of yours. Find time for regular date nights, short trips and just down time together. You will both be more focused and energized if your relationship is solid, caring and attentive.
Posted at 11:56h, 29 AprilYou could write a book that if required for all men to read would be a real contribution to humanity. Thanks for your contributions on this topic. Amazing that in the 21st century it’s still needed.
Best regards.
David Feldman
Posted at 18:44h, 29 AprilThanks…who knows maybe this will be my next book!