The (Good?) Old Days – Part VIII: Driving

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We are very close to a huge change in the world of cars as the “autonomous” or self-driving car makes its way to the marketplace. But step back. What was driving like back in the crazy 60s when I was a kid? No seat belts of course. No headrests. Babies in the front seat with no air bags barely behind a joke of a car seat. No catalytic converters so big cars had some serious pickup. The car lighter was really a lighter used for people to smoke. Rich person joke back then: “I get a new car when the ashtrays are full.”

Gas: $0.32 a gallon. No texting or phone calls since there were no cell phones! Drunk driving, sadly too common and not as seriously enforced. Air conditioning was an option, as was FM radio, a tape player and power windows (Springsteen sang about rolling down the windows, we really did). Cruise control could only be found in Cadillacs, our GPS was a Hagstrom map. TV or movies in the car? On long trips we sang. Or for those who don’t get sick, read a book. Getting the hardships we endured?

Cars are amazingly equipped these days. But the self-driver? That’s a serious game changer. Still won’t replace drunk driving since apparently there will still need to be a sober licensed driver in the car. But imagine reading or working while the car drives you? It’ll be great for older drivers, or if you’re tired. Frankly it may eliminate virtually all accidents because it removes human error. Some elements, like auto braking when objects are near, are already in cars. The full self-driver probably won’t be out until 2025. We’re waiting! Today: better.


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