20 Apr Thanks SiriusXM!
Your humble blogger was honored yesterday to appear on the SiriusXM Business Radio program “The Business of Health” hosted by the very capable Mitch Goldman. The topic: medical marijuana. We had quite the fascinating group of folks interviewed, including doctors, entrepreneurs and yrs truly. It was nice to get back to my alma mater, the Wharton School, where the channel’s studio is located.
What did we talk about? Some very interesting stuff. Like: doctors are worried that medical marijuana is now legal in 24 states (Pennsylvania signed it into law last weekend), yet because of such limited research doctors are not quite sure what dosages and delivery methods are best. And that many doctors won’t prescribe medical marijuana because they are afraid of losing their DEA licenses to prescribe since marijuana is still a Schedule I federally illegal drug. And that once cannabis is rescheduled big pharmacies will dispense it, what will that do to the licensed dispensaries? (spoiler: they sell).
I covered some of the business side, including how public companies are growing and raising money but also facing challenges and SEC scrutiny. I also talked about the DEA’s recent announcement that it will decide about rescheduling cannabis soon, and the fact that all four major Presidential candidates appear to either support medical marijuana or allowing the states to have the power to decide. Interesting times for sure and, um, yes, I did notice today’s date.
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