06 Sep Is Part-Time the New Normal?
The ABA Journal reports that more and more law firms, and employers generally, are hiring folks part-time. The story notes that 80% of the almost 1 million jobs created in 2013 were part-time. Supposedly around 20% of those workers want full-time work. New lawyers who find part-time lawyer jobs are finding themselves taking non-law part-time jobs to fill out their time. One is a tree trimmer and building supervisor at a YMCA.
Why is this? Mostly it seems to be about health insurance. Even prior to Obamacare, firms that offered health to full-time employees did not do so for part-timers. Now under then new health regime, employers will be required to cover full-timers, but not those working less than 30 hours a week. One employer is quoted as saying, simply, this is the new normal.
In the end, presumably, the marketplace will sort this out. If the economy heats up, employees will have more ability to demand better salary and benefits, including health care and a full-time job. But as we have discussed here, more good full-time work needs to be created to really help get our GDP on a higher growth path.
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