23 Nov Holidays and Families
Sounds like a boring title so I don’t blame you if you want to skip this one, but of course I hope not! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US. A uniquely American holiday as I have written in the past here and here. But few realize Canada has a Thanksgiving day in October, and other countries have similar harvest-related type celebrations.
But here in the good old US of A, Thanksgiving is mostly about well, football, but really family. For sure the blood-related and in-law type actual relatives. But also families one adopts and extended families. As noted in a sweet Off-Broadway show in which my niece performed, it’s “the family you choose.” How do I define family? The people who are there for you. The people who don’t judge you and accept you as you are. The people who know all your stuff. If you’re lucky, those people are your actual relatives. But you can also be lucky to have any people who fit my definition above. Or if you’re really lucky, as I am, you have both.
I find the longer I exist the more one watches folks move into and out of (and then sometimes back into) your life. This is normal. Some people are right to be there for certain phases of life but not others. Geography, life circumstance, tough moments like divorce, cause these migratory moments. This weekend, remember to be there for the people who are there for you. They need you as much as you need them. Throw them an extra hug and never hesitate to let them know how you feel!
OK back to Reg A+, the SEC, cannabis and stuff next week! Happy turkey to all my US blogees!
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