28 Sep Employers: Beware of Pokemon Go Players
As reported in the ABA Journal, the unprecedented runaway success of the mobile augmented-reality game Pokemon Go is beginning to create problems in the workplace. For example, as the app directs you to certain places, you could end up in “off limits” areas or a location with enhanced safety issues. Then of course is the distraction issue – shouldn’t you be working right now?
My 14-year old son was in my car a few weeks ago and suddenly said, “Dad! Stop!” I thought something was wrong and pulled over quickly. I said, “What’s wrong?” He said, “There’s a gym here.” Said I, “Actually the gym’s a few blocks away.” Says he, “No a Pokemon gym Daaaaad.” I said, “OK.” He said, “I’m getting out.” He then spent five minutes walking around the block with his phone in the air, including trying unsuccessfully to enter a then-closed Post Office building. Then he returned to the car, sadly acknowledging, “Signal’s too weak.”
We hear the PG craze is ebbing somewhat. But this might bode troublesome for the next such craze. Is it good that PG actually requires users to get out and about in their community and off their couch? Yes. If the addicting nature of such things interferes with existing like a normal human is that good? Well maybe not so much. The Journal article quoted a consultant saying, “You have to know when to say Pokemon stop instead of Pokemon go.” Yep.
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