Somewhat lost in the vitriol and drama of the 2016 Presidential campaign is the fact that nine states will be voting next month on whether to permit legal medical or recreational cannabis use. This on top of the 25 states that have already passed some...

I know too many people battling lyme disease. It is a misunderstood and wrongly made fun of illness. It generally comes from bad tick bites. If you treat it quickly with antibiotics it goes away. If you don't you can face a lifetime of challenges....

We'll be back at the SEC again in a few weeks for their annual Government-Business Forum on Small Business Capital Formation (ye olde GBFSBCF). There we listen to panels in the morning, and have breakout sessions in the afternoon where recommendations are developed and presented....

As reported in the ABA Journal, the unprecedented runaway success of the mobile augmented-reality game Pokemon Go is beginning to create problems in the workplace. For example, as the app directs you to certain places, you could end up in "off limits" areas or a location with...

In the United States, folks in regulated industries such as telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, public companies, energy companies and the like face a risk every day. That is the risk that the regulator will decide to look into whether they might have done something wrong. It might...

Could it be a sign of things to come? The ABA Journal reports that the University of Tulsa College of Law decided to cut its tuition for next year by 35%, dropping it down to $24,600 from $37,960. They are also reducing scholarships at the same...

As if becoming a lawyer isn't hard enough. As has been widely reported, Georgia messed up and accidentally told 90 people they failed the bar exam in February of 2015 and 2016 when in fact they passed. They say they are doing their best to...

To my faithful blogees: I have sent an updated version of the below to dozens of current and former colleagues and friends each year around the anniversary of the horrific September 11 terrorist attacks here in NYC. Given the 15 year milestone I have decided...

Two weeks ago, as many were enjoying their summer vacation, the Securities and Exchange Commission exacted a $340,000 penalty from a company called Health Net Inc. Why? Because in firing employees and asking them to sign termination agreements, in order for the departing employee to...

In a very meaningful new case, as discussed in more detail on our law firm's health care blog at, a federal appeals judge said the US Government cannot use federal money to prosecute those who are complying with state cannabis laws, even if it violates federal law...