07 Jun Flash: STATES Act Would End Most Federal Cannabis Enforcement
Updated 6/8/2017 following release of bill text:
Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) today introduced theĀ Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act. While we have not seen the text yet, Sen. Warren has published a summary. The bill would amend the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) saying it no longer applies to anyone acting in compliance with state (or tribal) laws relating to the manufacture, production, possession, distribution, dispensation, administration or delivery of cannabis. It also legalizes industrial hemp and removes it from the CSA. In addition to other provisions, the bill prohibits the distribution or sale of cannabis to anyone under 21 other than for medical purposes.
There are a number of pending bills promising various levels of cannabis legalization or decriminalization. This bill is important because it is the result of conversations between Sen. Gardner and the President. When Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded the 2014 Cole Memo which de-emphasized cannabis enforcement against legal state actors, Sen. Gardner angrily stopped approving new judicial nominations. That led to Trump’s commitment to Gardner to support “states rights” legislation if brought to him. Advocates hope this bill has a chance to move quickly as a result.
Contrary to some news reports, the Senate bill, just released, does not repeal IRS Code Section 280E which prevents cannabis companies from deducting ordinary business expenses. It also does not, as has been reported, include any action to encourage banks to take cannabis companies as customers. Nevertheless, a dramatic potential development. Stay tuned!
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